Only Son
by Ray Watson - Copyright © 1986 Ray Watson - Secret Place Place Ministries, P.O. Box 27 077, Mt. Roskill, Auckland, New Zealand.
CCLI #GC 97445

Verse 1
Long ago far away a plan was made
A Father sent His only Son to save us
But they mocked Him and they wouldn't believe
And they made it plain to see
That the only Son meant nothing hanging on a tree
And they never blinked an eye
As they watched His bleeding wounds
But they'll gaze at Him in anguish
When the only Son returns
When the only Son returns

Verse 2
Heaven was filled with His glory
He left it all, He gave it up for you and me
And He promised we would one day
Rule and reign with Him
And though He had to leave us
He said He'd come again
And I will watch the sky with a heart that ever yearns
And gaze on Him in wonder
When the only Son returns
When the only Son returns